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Why do you say to Me 'Lord, Lord' but do not what I say

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

In Matthew 25 Jesus uses a parable concerning the Kingdom of Heaven. He is using the allegory of a wedding and the betrothal between man and woman tell us about the end-times, when He is coming to fetch His Bride.

Jesus also uses the allegory of the ten Virgin brides to explain to us that the Church - the called out ones - needs to be pure and holy, separated only unto Him.

However, for us to truly understand the full meaning of these allegories, we need to understand the Jewish culture about marriage and engagement.

Join us for the sermon as pst Theo explains to us what it means to be a pure and holy bride.

Here are a few questions to ponder on:

  • Can anybody receive salvation in Christ?

  • How do we become the Bride of Christ?

  • How do we get enough 'oil in our lamps'?

  • What is this oil and how do we obtain it?

  • What is a Bondservant?

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