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The Judgement because of the Crucifixion

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

‘Tetelestai’ means ‘it is finished’, ‘paid in full’

This is the reason Jesus came to the earth, to free men from sin. When Jesus died, the price for sin was paid once for all.

Because of crucifixion, there is a judgement.

When Jesus died, He made an open spectacle of the prince of this world. And Satan was judged concerning sin.

Everybody born into this world is born with a sinful nature. But Jesus paid the price for our sin, in full. ‘Tetelestai’ - It is finished, paid in full. We no longer need to go to the temple to make a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.

In John 16, Jesus told his disciples that it is for our benefit that He goes away, because He will send the Holy Spirit (the Parakletos) as Comforter and Advocate.

The Holy Spirit will ‘reprove’ (convict) the world 1) of Sin, 2) of Righteousness, and 3) of Judgement

The Holy Spirit brings conviction, because of sin.

He brings righteousness, because we are made right with the Father through Salvation.

He brings judgement, because the prince of this world, Satan, has been judged concerning sin.

Before the final judgement Satan will be let out for a short time and convince some to rebel against God once again. Then the final judgement will come. Satan and those who followed him will be judged and thrown into the fiery pit.

There is a Judgement because of the Crucifixion.

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