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Good News of the Kingdom

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

The Good news of the Kingdom, is the Gospel of Repentance and Salvation.

There is no such a thing as a 'good person'. We are all born in sin into this world. We are saved by the Grace of God. We are sinners saved by grace! We have been redeemed - set free from our sins - only by the grace of God.

it is when we repent from our sins, that we are saved and set free from our sins. This is the only way to be born from above.

Repentance is remorse plus action which happens in your soul.

When you have remorse for your sins, and you make 180 degree turn to walk the other way, to follow Christ and never turn back; that is true repentance.

This is becoming a new creature in Christ (2 Cor 5:17)

We have received the good news of the Kingdom:

  1. SALVATION: Free from sin and death - Jesus came to set you free through His death on the cross.

  2. REPENTANCE: Free from the chains that binds us - our sinful nature/ the sins we do - Through repentance we are set free from the bondage and mastership of sins

  3. DELIVERANCE: Forgiveness - God removes our sin as far as the east is from the west; and He casts our sins into a bottomless ocean

  4. NEW LIFE IN CHRIST: We are baptized to show that we are now dead to sin and alive in Christ.

  5. RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT: We are anointed to spread the Good news of the Kingdom. Matt 28: 19-20

  6. WITNESSING: 'Witness' comes from the Greek word μαρτυρια, meaning 'martyr'. To be a witness for Christ means to be a servant. Remember, when they persecute you, they are persecuting Jesus.


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