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Causing a Generation Explosion

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

KiblerKidz Memory verse Prize Winners

Our children today will be the grown-ups of tomorrow; the next generation.

Whatever we teach them today and whatever example we set for them, is how they will change the world around them. Making a difference in one child’s life today, can cause a generation explosion tomorrow!!

Most people don't know who Edward Kimball was, but his reward in heaven

must be a great one. Edward Kimball was a humble, faithful Sunday school Teacher who lead D.L. Moody to Christ in 1855.

D.L Moody became the greatest evangelist of all time. They say that he took one Continent in one hand and another in the other hand and brought both Continents closer to God. God used him mightily to win hundreds of people for Christ.

Imagine the reward that belongs the that ‘unknown’ Sunday School Teacher who took time and effort to witness and invest into the lives of the children, praying for them daily and disciple them to become like Jesus.

Let us not grow tired or weary in preaching the Gospel to the poor, the needy and the afflicted! Let us always be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to a dying world!

'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up' Gal 6:9

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