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God our Salvation and Refuge

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

A vow is a sacred promise that you make with God. In our distress we sometimes makes vows that might be unrealistic or that you are unable to keep.

It is important to be a promise-keeper !

It is not always easy to keep that promise. Imagine a woman, childless and unable to have children, making a vow to God that if He would give her a son, that she would raise him to serve God wholly. Imagine this new mother giving up her young boy to go live in the Temple, to be raised by another and to become a prophet of God.

Hannah was such a woman. She kept the vow that she made with God and gave her son, Samuel wholly unto God. And so Samuel became one of the greatest prophets in the history of Israel. What a great reward this heartbroken woman received for he faithfulness, dedication and for keeping her promise to God.

God hides us and protects us like no one can. he is always faithful and just and He will always keep His promises to us. Our God is a secure hiding place.

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