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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Series#3

When it comes to the topic of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, we need to realize that God is not a God of confusion.

There are a few views regarding Baptism in the Holy Spirit:

  1. The Cessationists (e.g. John Calvin, John McArthur), believe that the spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age, after the Apostles of the Lamb died.

  2. Charismatic/Third Wave Movement (e.g. C Peter Wagner, John Wimber), place an over-emphasis on the spiritual gifts

  3. Early Pentecostal leaders were simple working class people and not Theologically learned people, just as the Disciples were ordinary fishermen, tax collectors, etc. With the ministry of Paul, Barnabas, Luke, Apollos etc. , the next generation was learned men, and the Theological teaching of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit was laid out.

In the 1940's and 50's main stream Pentecostals rejected wrong Doctrine from preachers like E.W. Kenyon & William Branham. Today these wrong teachings became Main stream, e.g. the Hyper-Charismatic, Word-Faith Movement etc, with Experiential Theology.

Different terms emphasizing different aspects of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit:

  1. Promise of the Holy Spirit

  2. Gift of the Holy Spirit

  3. Infilling of the Holy Spirit

  4. Baptism with of the Holy Spirit

  5. Receive the Holy Spirit

Various experiences regarding the Baptism in the Holy Spirit:

There are various experiences when a person is baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Boldness in Christ, Speaking in other languages, Prophesying, Filled with Joy, Boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Peace, and even healing.

Therefore it is not based on one specific experience or sequence. e.g.

  • in Acts 2:4-8 - the people could understand what was spoken, because they heard it in their mother-tongue;

  • in Acts 9: 17-22 - Boldness in Christ to proclaim the Gospel;

  • in Acts 10:44-46 Cornelius and his household was not yet baptized in water, but was baptized in the Holy Spirit after conversion and started to speak in tongues and magnified the Lord.

Join us for this powerful Sermon

to gain a deeper understanding of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit


Holy Spirit Series

  1. Another Comforter

  2. Holy Spirit, Jesus' Promise

  3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit (you are here)

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