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Holy Spirit, Jesus' Promise

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Holy Spirit Series #2

In John 16:7, we read: ' It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.'

The word 'expedient' means 'profitable', 'it is better for you indeed'.

Jesus promised His disciples that when He goes away, He will not abandon them, nor leave them comfortless, without a Comforter and Guide. But He will send the Holy Spirit to be our Paraclete - our Advocate, Intercessor, Consoler, Comforter and Helper.

When we are born from above, we receive eternal Life and the Spirit of Truth as a seal that we belong to God. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth. He will lead you in all Truth. What is so amazing, is that He (Holy Spirit) now dwells in us to lead us in all truth.

Scripture Readings: John 14:16-26, Acts 1: 4-8


Holy Spirit Series

  1. Another Comforter

  2. Holy Spirit, Jesus' Promise (you are here)

  3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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